This VIRTUAL Class if for Embroiderers who would like to learn the basics of embroidery and how to get a nice, clean stitch out without having to spend hours/days researching and watching a bunch of YT videos (which is exactly what I did when I started 10 years ago lol).
I am not an expert by any means, and probably technologically challenged when it comes to hosting a class, but I DO know about embroidery and take what I've learned over the last decade and help others get started. This is also the perfect opportunity to attend, learn the basics and ask me questions. :)
I will go over the basic tools & materials you'll need for what type of projects you want to do. I will give some tips of the trade I've learned. Having proper materials is KEY to getting good results when you embroider. I will help you from start to finish on how to successfully complete a project :)
I have trained hundreds on the Smartstitch machine and almost as many newbies to get started on their embroidery journey. I'd love for you to join me! Tell your newbie friends!
Please keep all questions to the basics of embroidery. In depth processes, specific projects, in depth software usage will not be discussed. Only the basics :)
See you in 'class'